First Login
You will be required to perform some initial settings when you first log in.
Please keep your cash card handy when logging in.
Please access our website and click "Login" button on the upper right.
Cash card
Your branch code and account number are shown on this card.

Enter the branch code (3 digits) and account number (7 digits) shown on your cash card.
Enter your birthday (8 digits: yyyymmdd)
e.g. If your birthday is December 9, 1980, please input 19801209.Click "Login"

Register your PowerDirect Password to log in to PowerDirect next time.
Enter your desired PowerDirect password according to the below password policy and click "Set".
The password should be between 6-12 characters long and contains at least two types of characters under the following categories:
- English lowercase characters (a through z), base 10 digits (0 through 9).
- Lowercase characters and uppercase characters are recognized as separate characters.
- You cannot use non-alphanumeric characters such as "!" or "/".
You can log in using your new PowerDirect password from the next log in.

Authentication is conducted through the short messaging service (SMS) or automated voice.
In case you have registered your mobile phone number with us
Enter the verification code provided in the text sent to your registered mobile phone and click 'Submit'.

In case you have registered other telephones such as landline telephone
Click 'Send code by Phone call'.

Click "OK" when you are ready.

Enter the verification code sent by automated voice to your telephone registered with us and click 'Submit'.

Your registration has been completed.
If you would like to register for Smartphone Authentication Service, click on "The Smartphone Authentication service registration" button.