Confirmation of Foreign PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons)
Confirmation of Foreign PEPs
(Politically Exposed Persons)
Under the Act of Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, SBI Shinsei Bank confirms whether our customers are considered foreign "Politically Exposed Persons".
A foreign "Politically Exposed Person" is a person falling under any of the following categories:
1. "A person in an important public position of a foreign country"
- (1) A Head of Government.
- (2) A position corresponding to the Prime Minister, a Minister, a Vice Minister, or equivalent.
- (3) A position corresponding to the Chairperson of the House of Representatives, the Vice Chairperson of the House of Representatives, or the Chairperson of the House of Councillors, or the Vice Chairperson of the House of Councillors.
- (4) A position corresponding to a Supreme Court Judge or equivalent.
- (5) A position corresponding to an Ambassador, Special Envoy Ambassador, or Government Representative.
- (6) A military general or higher rank.
- (7) The Director of a Central Bank.
- (8) The Director of a corporation whose budget is approved by the Diet (i.e. a government-owned company or government agency).
- (9) As set out in FATF Recommendation 6, persons who serve as:
- (i) high-ranking government officials, including top-ranking public employees at the levels of Permanent Secretary of the UK, State Secretary of Germany, Deputy Secretary of the US and other equivalent offices;
- (ii) government representatives to foreign countries such as ambassadors, deputy representatives, acting ambassadors and consuls, and embassy and consular officials including top-ranking officials of consulate generals (other than honorary consuls and the offices set out in (5));
- (iii) members of parliament, such as members of the House and Senate of Representatives of the US, the Federation Council and the State Duma of Russia, the Federal Council (Bundesrat) and the Federal Assembly (Bundestag) of Germany, and the Council of States and the National Council of Switzerland;
- (iv) senior executives of government and administrative agencies, such as financial market supervisory authorities (other than the offices set out in (7)); and
- (v) directors of corporations with more than half of their stakes directly or indirectly held by government or other agencies.
2. A person formerly in category "1".
3. A family member of a person in category "1" or "2" above, i.e. the spouse (including the common-law partner), father, mother, children, siblings, or the father, mother, or children of the spouse.