How to register/change your Alert E-mail Adress.
Please login to PowerDirect and click "Registered Information".

Please click "Alert E-mail Address Register / Change".

Please enter your E-mail address to "New E-mail Address" and "Re-Enter" field, and please tick "I acknowledge that I agree to all items in the important disclosures below."
Please click "Alert E-mail Address Register/Change" after confirmed your new E-mail address is correct.
(* If you receive E-mails on your mobile phone/smartphone, please tick "Mobile E-mail" on the right side of the re-enter field.

Please confirm again and click Submit.

A push notification will be sent to your registered smartphone and the transaction will be continue upon approval of the customer by tapping the "Tick button".

■ If you haven't registered Smartphone Authentication Service, the below images will be shown.
In case you have registered your mobile phone number with us
Enter the verification code provided in the text sent to your registered mobile phone and click 'Submit'.

In case you have registered other telephones such as landline telephone
Click 'Send code by Phone call'.

Click "OK" when you are ready.

Enter the verification code sent by automated voice to your telephone registered with us and click 'Submit'.

Change your Alert E-mail Address is completed.