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Commission Table

As of October 18, 2024

Transaction Unit Branch PowerCall PowerDirect
Fund transfer To SBI SHINSEI BANK account 1 transaction 529
214/529(*1) Free -
Domestic fund transfer To Other Domestic Bank account 1 transaction 529
214/529(*1) 1 time free/ month(*2) -
Refund for failed domestic fund transfer 1 transaction 524(*3)
Free(*4) - -
Issue of bank check (JPY) 1 transaction 1,020 - - -
Collection of a check Electronic check collection services 1 transaction 2,095 - - -
Paper check collection services 1 transaction 2,095 - - -
Request for return of a
check in collection
Electronic check collection services 1 transaction 2,095 - - -
Paper check collection services 1 transaction 2,095 - - -
Return of dishonored check Electronic check collection services 1 transaction 2,095 - - -
Paper check collection services 1 transaction 2,095 - - -
Usage of Partner Financial
Institution ATMs
Withdrawal using SBI Shinsei Bank cash card 1 time - - - 0 or 110(*5)
Issue of balance certificate(*6) 1 certificate 1,100 - -
Disclosure request for Registered personal information 1 statement - 1,100(*7) - -
Reissue Monthly Statement 1 statement Free Free - -
Cash card 1 card Refer to the appendix 1 - -
Remittance in foreign currency To SBI SHINSEI BANK account 1 transaction Free - - -
Overseas Remittance via GoRemit Overseas Remittance Service(*8) 1 transaction Refer to the appendix 2
Incoming foreign exchange remittance 1 transaction Refer to the appendix 3
Account maintenance 1 account/
Free -
  • Above fees which are subject to consumption tax include 10% consumption tax and local consumption tax.
  • Fees stated in ( ) will be for non-SBI SHINSEI BANK account holders.
  • Fees may differ for the Employees' Savings System and Public Corporation Bonds.
  • The transactions indicated as "-" in the table are currently not available.
  • Mail exchange bill and Funds transfer via ATM are not available.
  • As of March 31, 2025, we will discontinue issuing bank-issued checks.

(*1) Domestic transfer fee through PowerCall to a preregistered account is JPY214.
If you wish to transfer fund to a not registered account, transfer limit is JPY500,000 and JPY529 fee will be charged.

(*2) The fees incurred for domestic transfers made through PowerDirect (Internet banking) to other bank accounts are waived certain number of times per month under the Step Up Program (10 times for "Diamond" and "Platinum", 5 times for "Gold", 3 times for "Silver", and 1 time for "Standard" per month). Please note that fees will be charged and reimbursed later. The fees will be charged for transfers exceeding the free quota depending on the customer's stages; JPY 75 for "Diamond" and "Platinum", JPY 110 for "Gold" and "Silver", and JPY 214 for "Standard". Transfer to other SBI SHINSEI BANK accounts are free. For more details about the program, please check our website or Japanese brochures available in our branch.

(*3) 1 free transaction per month. JPY524 per transaction from the following transaction. JPY1,020 per transaction will be charged for non-SBI SHINSEI BANK account holders.

(*4) Only between other domestic bank accounts.

(*5) 【ATM withdrawal fees】
・Withdrawals from Seven Bank ATMs, E-net ATMs, Lawson Bank ATMs, Aeon Bank ATMs, PatSat and VIEW ALTTE by customers whose stage is "Silver" or above are free of charge all the time. Withdrawals by "Standard" customers are free of charge up to 5 times per month. (JPY110 including tax will be charged thereafter.)
Withdrawals from Japan Post Bank ATMs (including those installed in Family Mart stores) , Major City banks' ATMs, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking ATMs, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank ATMs and Shoko Chukin Bank ATMs are charged JPY110 (including tax) per withdrawal.

(*6) Periodic issuance is not available.

(*7) Previous customers may request a copy of their registered personal information at any branch that provides cash services, such as cash deposits and withdrawals. The fee applied for multiple copies of the same documents (with identical contents and in the same language) will be the same as for one document.

(*8) In order to use GoRemit Overseas Remittance, you need to apply for the service and need to register your beneficiary bank account in advance.

【Appendix1】Fees for reissuing cash card

Reasons for reissuing
cash card
Branch PowerCall
Change of name Free Free
Damaged card Free Free
Lost or Stolen card 1,050 Free
Change of cash card color 1,050 1,050

【Appendix2】Remittance Fees for GoRemit Overseas Remittance Service

Remittance Method Fee (Tax-exempted)
Remittances made by withdrawing from a PowerFlex account via GoRemit App from a Foreign Currency Savings account 4,000
from a Yen Savings account 2,000
Remittances made by depositing funds to our designated collection account (JPY) Remittances in Foreign Currencies 2,000
Remittances in JPY JPY2,000 + lifting fee of 0.1% of the remittance amount (Min. JPY1,500)
  • Intermediary banks overseas or beneficiary banks may levy charges (e.g. bank charge, lifting charge) and those fees are withdrawn from the remittance amount.
  • "Diamond" and "Platinum" Customers are also entitled to make one free overseas fund transfer per month (first remittance in the month) * via GoRemit App. This is also applicable to domestic Foreign Currency remittances. Customers are required to register their PowerFlex Account in the GoRemit smartphone app.

【Appendix 3】Incoming foreign exchange remittance administrative fee (Handling fee)
Handling fee for overseas or domestic foreign currency remittances and Japanese yen remittances from overseas or domestically from non-residents of Japan.

Currencies available
for fund transfers
to SBI Shinsei Bank
Japanese Yen JPY 2,000
US Dollar USD 14.00
Euro EUR 12.00
Australian Dollar AUD 19.00
New Zealand Dollar NZD 20.00
Canadian Dollar CAD 18.00
Sterling Pound GBP 10.00
Hong Kong Dollar HKD 105.00
Singapore Dollar SGD 18.00
South-Africa Rand ZAR 228.00
Norwegian Krone NOK 148.00
Turkish Lira TRY 477.00
Chinese Yuan CNY 99.00
Currencies available
for fund transfers
to SBI Shinsei Bank
Hong Kong Dollar HKD 105.00
Singapore Dollar SGD 18.00
South-Africa Rand ZAR 228.00
Norwegian Krone NOK 148.00
Turkish Lira TRY 477.00
Chinese Yuan CNY 99.00
  • Remittance financial institutions or intermediary banks may charge fees separately from the handling fee.
  • The handling fees for incoming foreign exchange remittances will be deducted separately from the incoming foreign exchange remittance amount.
  • The handling fee will be deducted or debited from one of the following in the following order of priority: (1) the incoming funds (2) savings deposit account of the same currency as the incoming funds (3) yen savings deposit account. Customers cannot designate the currency for the handling fee. (3) In case of debiting the handling fee from customer's yen savings deposit account, JPY2,000 will be debited regardless of the currency received.
  • The remittance will be returned to the requester if (1) funds received, (2) the amount of the savings deposit account of the same currency with the funds received and (3) yen savings deposit account are smaller than the amount of the handling fee. (1), (2), and (3) cannot be combined.
  • SBI Shinsei Bank will not debit the handling fee when it is paid by the sender.
  • JPY2,000 will be returned per incoming foreign exchange remittance to customers who are either "Diamond", "Platinum", "Gold" or "Silver" under the Step Up Program at the time of receiving funds through an incoming foreign exchange remittance and the handling fee is deducted from their SBI SHINSEI BANK account. For more details about the program, please check our website or Japanese brochures available in our branch.
  • Foreign currency-based handling fees are determined so that they are equivalent to JPY2,000. The fees are reviewed regularly since their amounts translated into JPY change due to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates.