Interest Chart of Structured Deposit

  • Interest is subject to 20.315% withholding tax (national tax 15.315% and local tax 5%).
    • The fractional figure of the after-tax interest rate shall be rounded down.

Structured deposits may fall below the original yen principal
Important reminder / Learn more (Japanese site)

Powered Teiki - Yen Deposit

  • Branch, Call: 1,000,000 yen or more
  • Internet: 300,000 yen or more

Click here for transactions別ウィンドウで開きます

Strike Rate Spot Spot -1yen Spot -3yen Spot -5yen
1 month % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
Strike Rate Spot Spot -1yen Spot -3yen Spot -5yen
1 month % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
Strike Rate Spot Spot -1yen Spot -3yen Spot -5yen
1 month % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
Strike Rate Spot Spot -1yen Spot -3yen Spot -5yen
1 month % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
Strike Rate Spot Spot -0.5yen Spot -1yen
1 month % p.a % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a % p.a

Click here for transactions別ウィンドウで開きます

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
  • Last update : , annual rate on a before-tax basis

Powered Teiki - Foreign Currency Deposit / Yen Alternate

  • Branch, Call:
    [USD][EUR] 10,000 units or more
    [AUD][NZD] 15,000 units or more
    [ZAR] 100,000 units or more
  • Internet:
    [USD][EUR] 7,000 units or more
    [AUD][NZD] 10,000 units or more
    [ZAR] 60,000 units or more

Click here for transactions別ウィンドウで開きます

Strike Rate Spot +1yen Spot
1 month % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a
Strike Rate Spot +1yen Spot
1 month % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a
Strike Rate Spot +1yen Spot
1 month % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a
Strike Rate Spot +1yen Spot
1 month % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a
Strike Rate Spot +0.5yen Spot
1 month % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a

Click here for transactions別ウィンドウで開きます

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
  • Last update : , annual rate on a before-tax basis

Powered Teiki - Foreign Currency Deposit / Foreign Currency Alternate

This product is not currently available.

  • Branch, Call:
    [USD][EUR] 10,000 units or more
    [AUD][NZD] 15,000 units or more
    [ZAR] 100,000 units or more
  • Internet:
    [USD][EUR] 7,000 units or more
    [AUD][NZD] 10,000 units or more
    [ZAR] 60,000 units or more

Click here for transactions別ウィンドウで開きます

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

Euro Australian Dollar NewZealand Dollar South-African Rand
1 month % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

Euro / US Dollar Australian Dollar / US Dollar NewZealand Dollar / US Dollar South-African Rand / US Dollar Australian Dollar / NewZealand Dollar NewZealand Dollar / Australian Dollar
1 month % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
3 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
6 months % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
1 year % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a

Click here for transactions別ウィンドウで開きます

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a

Strike Rate = Spot Rate

1 month % p.a
3 months % p.a
6 months % p.a
1 year % p.a
  • Last update : , annual rate on a before-tax basis

Powered Teiki Plus / Powered Teiki Plus - Risk Reduction

This product is not currently available.

  • Branch, Call: 2,500,000 yen or more
  • Internet: 300,000 yen or more

Click here for transactions別ウィンドウで開きます

Strike Rate Spot Spot -5yen Spot -7.5yen Spot -10yen
3 years % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
5 years % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
Strike Rate Spot Spot -5yen Spot -7.5yen Spot -10yen Spot -15yen Spot -20yen
3 years % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
5 years % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
Strike Rate Spot Spot -5yen Spot -7.5yen Spot -10yen
3 years % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a
5 years % p.a % p.a % p.a % p.a

Click here for transactions別ウィンドウで開きます

3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
3 years % p.a
5 years % p.a
  • Last update : , annual rate on a before-tax basis

Regarding structured deposits

  • Interest is subject to a 20.315% withholding tax (national tax: 15.315%, local tax: 5%).
  • Some structured deposits carry risks such as being subject to having their maturity dates accelerated or extended at the discretion of the Bank, and deposited currency being converted into a foreign currency (the alternate currency) at a disadvantageous exchange rate (strike rate) for the customer at maturity. In this case, the customer will be subject to foreign exchange risks (such as forex fees and the risk of loss of principal due to fluctuations in exchange rates).
  • In principle, cancellation before maturity is not permitted. If structured deposit is cancelled before maturity for a reason that SBI Shinsei Bank considers unavoidable, the originally invested principal is not guaranteed. Depending on market conditions, the amount paid upon cancellation before maturity may be significantly less than the principal.
  • Before investing in structured deposits, customers are urged to make sure that they have sufficient savings set aside to ensure cash balance available for their unexpected needs in order not to cancel structured deposits.
  • After the maturity date, the principal or the principal and interest thereon are credited to the savings deposit as per the conditions on each structured deposit, and the interest rate of the savings deposit will apply on and after the maturity date.
  • Funds deposited in yen are covered by deposit insurance. However, some of the interest earned on structured deposits is not covered by deposit insurance. Details can be found in the product explanatory document of each structured deposit.
  • Regarding dual currency time deposits made in yen, the deposit insurance cease to apply if the currency received at maturity is a foreign currency (the alternate currency).
  • Funds that are deposited in foreign currencies are not covered by deposit insurance.
  • Applicable interest rates are subject to change based upon market or other conditions, and SBI Shinsei Bank may discontinue structured deposits depending on such conditions.
  • Cash in foreign currencies and foreign currency remittances are not available at our branches.
  • Fees will be charged for foreign currency remittances.
  • Handling Fee will be charged for incoming foreign exchange remittances.
  • Application to GoRemit overseas remittance service must be made before making foreign currency remittances.
  • Before investing in structured deposits, customers should carefully read the product description of structured deposits (pre-contract document) that is available in branches and online so that they can fully understand characteristics of structured deposits.