Regarding foreign currency deposits
- As the conversion rates of foreign currencies into yen (foreign exchange rates) fluctuate, foreign exchange deposits carry a risk of loss of yen denominated principal resulting from exchange rate fluctuations when converting foreign currencies back into yen.
- In the event of high market volatility, system malfunctions, etc., the foreign exchange rates applied by the Bank may differ significantly from prevailing market rates. Customers are urged to confirm the foreign exchange rates to be applied to any such transactions.
- Foreign exchange fees apply when depositing/withdrawing yen into/out of foreign currency accounts. Unconventional currency exchange fees may be applied in the event of drastic foreign exchange rate fluctuations or when major markets are closed. The maximum rates of such one-way exchange fees and round-turn exchange fees are 5.5 yen per unit and 11 yen per unit respectively. For a direct non-yen cross currency exchange, the foreign exchange fees will be 0.02 multiplied by one of the currencies.
- There is a risk of loss of yen denominated principal due to the application of foreign currency exchange fees and applied interest rates, even if foreign exchange rates do not fluctuate.
- Preferred rates of Step Up program are applied to transactions changing yen to a foreign currency and vice versa. (n.b. Preferred rates are not applicable to transactions between non yen foreign currencies or when the outstanding foreign currencies balance is converted to yen as part of closing an account. Additionally, preferred rates are not applicable in exchanging currencies or paying interest in the PowerSupport Plus program, or purchasing foreign currencies through the PowerBuilder program.)
- Foreign currency deposits are not guaranteed by deposit insurance.
- In principle, foreign currency denominated time deposits may not be cancelled before maturity. However, in the event the Bank recognizes extraordinary circumstances and deems the cancellation of foreign currency denominated time deposits before maturity as unavoidable, only principal amounts will be refunded (interest thereon will not be honored).
- Interest is subject to 20.315% withholding tax (national tax 15.315% and local tax 5%). The fractional figure of the after-tax interest rate shall be rounded down.
- Principal and interest of foreign currency time deposits shall be credited into PowerFlex savings deposits of the same currency on the maturity date without converting into another currency. The savings deposit interest rate for the same currency will be applied on and after the maturity date.
- Cash in foreign currencies and foreign currency remittances are not available at our branches.
- Fees will be charged for foreign currency remittances.
- Handling Fee will be charged for incoming foreign exchange remittances.
- Application to GoRemit overseas remittance service must be made before making foreign currency remittances.
- Before investing in foreign currency deposits customers should carefully read the product description of foreign currency deposits (pre-contract document) that is available in the Bank branches and online so that they can fully understand characteristics of the foreign currency deposits.