Sustainability/ESG-related solutions

Issues related to sustainability/ESG are common issues that should be addressed in order to realize a sustainable society. For corporations, they consist of ESG-related risks that have major impacts on its organizational operations and business activities, as well as business strategies and management issues that lead to opportunities for growth and profits. SBI Shinsei Bank provides advisory services and solutions for promoting sustainability/ESG management to our corporate customers as well as customers of regional financial institutions. We make use of our know-how and knowledge accumulated through the provision of sustainable finance and impact finance.

⇒ Click here for more information on "Sustainable Finance/Impact Finance"

Support for corporate customers

ESG risk management support (ESG current-level evaluation)

We provide advisory services and other solutions designed to help corporate customers visualize the current status of ESG risk management and use it for future improvement.
Specifically, the Sustainable Impact Assessment Department evaluates the current status of important issues and related issues for customers included in the ESG ( Environment, Social and Governance) based on international guidelines and evaluation frameworks based on major ESG evaluation and data providers.

List of achievements

In April 2024, we entered into a business partnership agreement with Asuene Inc., and we have collaboratively started offering a quick service, “ESG current-level evaluation LIGHT”, for corporate customers. This service is especially for unlisted or small and medium-sized companies.

⇒ SBI Shinsei Bank Group and Asuene Start Providing New Service Related to ESG Evaluation for Corporate Customers

Impact Management Support (IMM* Support)

As the significance of social and environmental issues increases, it is urgent to ensure sustainability on social and economic base by driving corporate growth through addressing these issues. Moreover, there has been growing awareness and interest in Impact Investing and Impact Investing IPOs ("Impact IPO").
SBI Shinsei Bank supports clients with building impact management frameworks and practices through such processes as to identify social issues that the client seeks to resolve through their businesses, visualize impact pathways from the client's business activities to the resolution of social issues, and design impact measurement frameworks. These support aims to enhance the client's impact-driven corporate management, and SBI Shinsei Bank believes that this leads to better understanding and improvement of the client's corporate purposes and activities within the company, as well as establishment of clients' accountability to financiers.

* IMM = Impact Measurement and Management

Sustainability/ESG management support for Regional financial institutions

Regional financial institutions, as the core of their local communities, are expected to fund ESG regional finance which contributes to the improvement of regional sustainability . A challenge lies in creating an effective promotion system that is suited to the local small and medium-sized enterprises and the characteristics and actual conditions of the local economy. SBI Shinsei Bank utilizes its accumulated knowledge and know-how on sustainability/ ESG to assist regional financial institutions in developing new products and formulating sustainable finance frameworks, as well as building a system which promotes ESG and sustainability finance including in-house training.

List of achievements

Date Release title Link
(Japanese Only)
June 19, 2023 Collaboration with Yamagata Bank in the Field of Sustainable Finance and Joint Product Development
January 13, 2023 Sustainability Loans to Fukushima Bank, Ltd.

List of Other Activities

Date Release title Link
(Japanese Only)
August 21, 2023 Approval of the Sustainability Data Standardization Consortium and appointment of our Executive Officer as a director
July 14, 2023 Participation as an external expert in QunaSys's quantum technology application for social contribution
July 22, 2022 On the provision of comprehensive solutions for customers' sustainability issues ~Conclusion of customer referral agreements with two companies that support the needs in the non-financial area

※The services and initiatives described on this page correspond to any other services incidental to banking set forth in the main clause of Article 10, Paragraph 2 of the Banking Law, and are not credit ratings related to Article 2, Paragraph 35 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. In addition, the list of results includes activities prior to the change of our corporate name.