Promotions at SBI Shinsei Bank
2025.1.31 【Important】GoRemit Overseas Remittance Service
2025.1.7 Partial termination of Services by Operators for Transfers and Products
2024.12.19 System Maintenance and Service Suspension (Sunday, January 12, 2025, from 0:30 to 14:00)
2024.12.10 Operating Hours during the Year-End and New Year Holidays
2024.11.27 Notice regarding the Relocation of Shibuya Financial Center
2024.11.27 Notice regarding the Relocation and Name Change of Tsudanuma Financial Center
2024.11.27 Notice regarding the Relocation of Omiya Financial Center
2024.11.18 Introduction of Navi Dial for the Contact Center
2024.10.25 Notice regarding the Relocation of Namba Financial Center
2024.10.1 Regarding the termination of English support for PowerCall
2024.9.9 Notice of the end of issuing bank-issued checks
2024.8.30 System Maintenance and Service Suspension (Oct 13, 2024 and Jan 12, 2025 from 0:30 to 14:00 each day)
2024.8.5 Notice regarding the Relocation of Fujisawa Financial Center
2024.6.28 Regarding changes for English support at contact center and partial revisions to procedures related to transfers and products
2024.6.21 Notice of Suspension of Domestic Transfer Services in July 2024 (From 14:30 on Friday, July 12, 2024, to 8:00 on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.)
2024.6.21 Notice regarding the Relocation of Fukuoka Financial Center
2024.5.17 Notice regarding the Relocation of Kyoto Financial Center
2024.5.15 Notice of consolidation and change of Contact Center Customer Dials and Change of Business Hours
2024.4.25 Business Hours during Golden Week
2024.3.1 Notice regarding partial revision of Step Up Program preferential services
2023.12.5 Removal of the Restriction on PowerDirect Transactions of the Customers Who Left Japan
2023.10.2 Termination of GAICA Flex Prepaid Card Service
2023.8.15 【Updated August 15】Termination of the Issuance of Security Code Cards and Addition of New Authentication
2023.8.10 Notice of Termination of Security Code Cards Authentication
2023.4.25 Business Hours during Golden Week
2023.1.24 Announcement of Free-of-charge Withdrawals from Partner Convenience Store ATMs for All Customers
2022.12.1 System Suspension and Operating Hours during the Year-End and New Year Holidays due to Change of Trade Name
2022.8.3 Regarding the Suspension of Overseas remittance transactions with the Russian Federation
2022.7.15 Regarding Overseas remittance transactions with the Russian Federation
2022.4.28 【Updated April 28】 Business Hours during Golden Week
2022.2.24 Announcing the launch of our new English website
2022.1.24 Closure of Shinsei Bank, Hankyu Umeda Consulting Spot
2021.11.18 Notice Regarding the Renewal of the Shinsei Step Up Program
2021.10.11 Notice of Relocation of Kobe Financial Center
2021.8.10 Notice on Revisions to Fund Transfer Fees
2021.7.14 Shinsei PowerDirect (internet banking) URL will change from July 17th
2021.7.1 Restriction on Transactions of Customers Leaving Japan
2021.4.23 Business Hours during Golden Week
2021.4.20 Notice on Change of operating hours for Shinsei PowerCall (Call center)
2020.10.26 Closure of Shinsei Bank, Tokyo Branch and Tokyo Housing Loan Center
2020.10.19 Revision to the preferential services (free-of-charge ATM withdrawal fees at our partner ATMs) of the Shinsei Step-up Program (effective January 25, 2021)
2020.8.28 Start of Checking Your Customer Information on Shinsei PowerDirect
2020.6.30 Revision of "The Policy on Customer-Oriented Business Conduct"
2020.6.8 Notice to Customers Whose Period of Stay will Expire between March 1 and July 31, 2020
2020.4.30 Business Hours during Golden Week
2020.4.23 Notice to Customers Whose Period of Stay will Expire between March 1 and June 30, 2020
2020.4.20 Creation and provision of Anonymously Processed Information to third parties
2020.3.27 Notice regarding Shinsei PowerCall (call center) operations due to the new corona virus outbreak
2020.2.9 Expansion of Shinsei PowerDirect (Smartphone Authentication) Services
2020.1.31 Sendai Financial Center to Close
2020.1.31 Hiroshima Financial Center to Close
2020.1.16 Notice of Relocation of Yokohama Financial Center
2020.1.10 Termination of Foreign Exchange Rate Alert (Email Alert) Service
2020.1.6 Notice for ending of issuing cash cards on the spot at branch locations
2019.12.11 Termination of Current Shinsei PowerDirect and Expansion of the New ShinseiPower Direct (Smartphone Authentication) Services
2019.12.10 Cash-back program for Customers receiving foreign exchange remittances
2019.11.28 Launch of Instant Funds Transfer Service Available 24/7/365
2019.11.26 Notice regarding ATM Use and Fund Transfers to Other Banks during the Year-end and New Year's Holidays
2019.10.31 Termination of Sending "Annual Account Statement" by Postal Mail
2019.10.1 Notice to termination of overseas remittances/domestic foreign currency remittances at branches and via Shinsei PowerCall (contact center)
2019.9.20 Shinsei PowerDirect (Smartphone Authentication) Services will be Expanded in late December 2019 or thereafter
2019.9.19 Revised Fees and Charges for PowerSmart Home Mortgage Effective October 1,2019
2019.9.2 Fees to be Changed in line with Increase in Consumption Tax Rate
2019.8.21 Notice to customers making overseas remittances (Updated Aug 21,2019)
2019.8.14 [Important] Additional confirmation will be required at the time of transaction
2019.8.1 [GoRemit Shinsei Overseas Remittance Service] Notice of Commencement of Shinsei Step Up Program Preferential Service
2019.7.10 Notification of postponement of application of partial changes to cut-off times and transfer dates of Yen denominated remittances via the GoRemit Shinsei Overseas Remittance Service
2019.7.8 The procedure for Domestic Fund Transfer on Shinsei PowerDirect (Internet banking) has changed.
2019.7.2 Notice of Relocation of Senri Chuo Financial Center
2019.6.20 [To: Customers receiving overseas remittances] Revision to Inward Foreign Exchange Remittance Fee
2019.6.12 Notification of postponement of application of partial changes to cut-off times and transfer dates Yen denominated remittances via the GoRemit Shinsei Overseas Remittance Service
2019.4.17 Our Services Related to Era Name Change and 10-day Holiday (Updated Apr 17,2019)
2019.4.8 Notice regarding partial revision of Common Customer Agreement on PowerFlex Transaction and Customer Agreement on Foreign Remittance Transactions for PowerFlex Account
2019.4.8 Confirmation of Customers’ Permitted Period of Stay in Japan
2019.3.27 Notice to customers making overseas remittances
2019.3.7 Notice regarding partial revision of Common Customer Agreement on PowerFlex Transaction
2018.12.28 Notice regarding "GoRemit Shinsei Overseas Remittance Service" Partial change to the Cut-off times and Transfer dates for Yen denominated remittances
2018.12.17 Notice of Relocation of Ueno Financial Center
2018.11.19 Notice regarding termination of "GoRemit Shinsei Overseas Remittance Service" FAX services
2018.10.2 [Six-Day System Suspension incl. the year-end and New Year holidays] Online and Call Center services incl. ATM
2018.9.11 Implementation of new service for self-resetting of PowerDirect (Internet Banking) password
2018.9.11 Notice for change in Shinsei PowerCall Account Verification
2018.7.2 Notice regarding the release of the "Shinsei Bank Overseas Remittance Application GoRemit" smartphone app.
2018.7.2 Partial change of Shinsei PowerFlex account overseas remittance service features
2018.6.6 Notice regarding the ending of International Cash Card (Overseas ATM) service
2018.5.21 New features added on GAICA Flex Prepaid Card
2018.5.2 Notice regarding partial revision to our domestic partner ATM withdrawal fees
2018.5.2 Notice regarding partial revision of the Shinsei Step Up Program
2018.2.1 Kanazawa Financial Center to Close
2018.2.1 Takamatsu Financial Center to Close
2017.12.22 Renewal of GoRemit website for English.
2017.12.19 Takatsuki Consulting Spot to Close
2017.11.27 Notice on Change of operating hours for Shinsei PowerCall (Call center) <from February 2018>
2017.9.19 Launched a new page "GAICA Flex Prepaid Card"
2017.8.16 Kawaguchi Consulting Spot to Close
2017.8.16 Sakai Higashi Consulting Spot to Close
2017.6.15 Announcement of a revision/addition of the operation of numbering deposits accounts to the Purpose of Use of Individual Numbers
2017.4.26 Updates on the Foreign Currency Deposit page
2017.1.26 Period of Shinsei PowerDirect Monthly Statements Available Online to be Reduced to Five Years
2016.9.26 New transactions are added to the E-mail Alert Service
2016.3.18 Notice regarding opening of the Senri Chuo Financial Center

Some of our financial products are subject to risk, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. Before purchasing any of our financial products please ensure you carefully read and understand the relevant product description in Japanese. The product description provides details of the risks, fees, and charges etc. that each product entails.